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What to do BEFORE you get your ex back

With The Magic of Making Up you will get your ex back.  But it is crucial you follow these steps before your reunion occurs.  These tips will make getting your ex back even easier.

1.  Accept that the breakup has happened and keep busy.  In fact, give your ex some space and DO NOT CONTACT them.   Appearing needy and desperate to your ex is not going to make them want to fall back into your arms.   Also you do not want to overlook the powerful psychological lure - people want what they can NOT have.  If you seem a bit out of their reach, your ex will want you much more than if you are too available.

2.  Do NOT go out on the rebound.  Yes, you may feel lonely and miss that romantic companionship - but immediately getting together with someone else is only going to make it harder to get back together with your ex.  Plus if you start a relationship with someone else and soon get back with your ex - you've just created another breakup for yourself.  The point is to ELIMINATE breakups, not create new ones!

3.  Work on yourself.  So instead of filling your time with someone new, work on making yourself the best you can be.  This is the time to think about what went wrong in your relationship and what patterns of behavior that you can improve on.  On the off chance you do NOT get back together with your ex - at least you will have improved so your next relationship will not repeat the same mistakes. 

This is a key element no matter what happens and is one of the hardest things for people to learn.  The truth is YOU alone are responsible for your own happiness.  If you are always looking to others to make you happy you will never have true happiness.  Your happiness is YOUR responsibility.  When you take responsibility for your own happiness you actually make your relationships even easier - because you've taken the pressure of your partner!  Once you are in control of your happiness then your partner's "job" is to help you expand it rather than create it.  Plus if you accept the responsibility for your happiness and create it from within you are a better and much more fun person to be in a relationship with. 

4.  Ask your ex to meet - in a casual environment.  After you have given the appropriate amount of space and time and done that bit of work on yourself, NOW contact your ex.  Ask  to meet for coffee or lunch.  Some keys here are to not be pushy but maintain an air of confidence. 

5.  Be yourself.  When you do meet with your ex - don't act the way you think they would like best - be the person they originally wanted to be in a relationship with.   In other words - don't put on an act.  However, if you followed tip #3 you may be an improved version of yourself.  By all means let that shine through. 

These tips and strategies are discussed in detail in The Magic of Making UpClick here to get your copy by instant download.  A breakup can make you feel scatter-brained so it's best to have a clear, easy to follow guide to help you easily and quickly get your ex back!  Let The Magic of Making Up be your guide!

For a bit more advice check out this video from TW Jackson, author of The Magic of Making Up. This is a great preview of the great tips and methods you'll learn from The Magic of Making Up.